Cloud Migration Steps

This article provides a checklist of steps we work through to migrate your site into the cloud.

Daniel's Tasks 

[ ] Using your Database and Data folder, set up your cloud site initially

[ ] On Friday before the go-live date, backup any home page customizations and SAML configuration, then refresh your site with a new backup of your on-premise database, overwriting the previous database we put in the cloud initially, and re-upgrade it

Your Tasks:

[ ] send ZIPPED full backup of your UniversitySite Database and UniversitySite Data folder (usually at c:\inetpub\wwwroot\universitysite\data; please first delete the contents of c:\inetpub\wwwroot\universitysite\data\default\temp\import since it's not needed or used)

[ ] Determine which SAML method you will use for SSO in the cloud

[ ] Configure your chosen SAML SSO for your cloud site using the instructions we provide in the above link [ ] How to Move User Sync to a New Server (JUST user sync, assuming you decommission your UniversitySite server after cloud migration)

[ ] Update Your User Sync Tool and confirm it's working for your cloud site

[ ] OPTIONAL - IF purchasing CLESite configure your user sync for practitioner details

[ ] White list email from our dedicated Sendgrid IP address used with cloud email:

[ ] OPTIONAL - Configure email to come from an internal server rather than your cloud site

[ ] OPTIONAL: Work with us or design your own updated custom home page for LearningSite

[ ] Select Go Live Date (?)

[ ] A week before go-live: upload to Daniel a zipped copy of your UniversitySite Data folder (c:\inetpub\wwwroot\universitysite\data)

[ ] On Friday before Go live, (?)

[ ] remove access to your current website

[ ] send ZIPPED full backup of your UniversitySite Database to me which I will use to refresh your site

[ ] stop the UniversitySiteReminderService

[ ] disable or remove the User sync scheduled task

[ ] OPTIONAL - Configure redirect to new cloud site Redirecting your internal site

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