Getting Ready to Implement UniversitySite

This guide is for new business partners to help them understand the tasks necessary to implement UniversitySite. There will undoubtedly be others, but these are essential.

1. Choose a server where you can run the User Sync tool as a scheduled task. This will ensure that your user data is updated regularly and automatically.

2. Choose a data source for the User Sync tool. This can be a database or Active Directory. If you use a database, we recommend creating a "view" that contains only the fields that you want to sync. This will make the sync process faster and more efficient.

3. Make sure that your data source has the required fields for the User Sync tool. These are:

- First Name: The user's first name (nvarchar (50))

- Last Name: The user's last name (nvarchar (50))

- Email Address: The user's email address (nvarchar (100)). This must be unique and not blank.

- Network Alias: The user's Windows login ID (nvarchar (100)). This must be unique and not blank.

- Office (city): The city where the user's office is located (nvarchar (100))

- Status: The user's status (bit, not null OR Active Directory). This should be 0 for Active and 1 for Disabled.

- Job Title: The user's job title (nvarchar(100))

You can also include some additional fields that are desirable but not mandatory. These are:

- Job Class: The user's job class, such as attorneys or staff (nvarchar (400))

- Hire Date: The date when the user was hired (DATETIME = null)

- Profile Pic URL: The URL of the user's profile picture (nvarchar (500))

- Manager: The Windows login ID of the user's manager (nvarchar (100))

You can also sync any other fields that are relevant to your organization into our 10 custom fields. These are nvarchar (400) fields that you can name and use as you wish.

4. Decide how you want to implement Single Sign-On (SSO) for your users. You can use a SAML based SSO provider, (OneLogin, SecureAuth, OKTA, ADFS, or Azure AD)

5. Provide us with a list of all the cities where you have an office. This will help us customize your learning experience and offer relevant courses and events.

  1. Your technical contact will either meet with Daniel (Here's his calendar link) to configure the User Sync (plan 1 hour) or have a go on your own 🙂
  2. add to your email whitelist to ensure emails from UniversitySite don't get blocked
  3. add * to trusted sites to avoid problems with pop-up blockers
  4. choose dates for online training we will provide to trainers and administrators.  Plan for at least 3 x 1.5 hr sessions

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