How to Setup UniversitySite for OneLogin SAML - legacy interface

If you are considering switching to this SSO solution instead of the out of the box UniversitySite SSO, please contact  Lawren Finley to find out if it's included with your subscription.

If you are looking for the OneLogin current interface instructions you can find that here
How to configure OneLogin SAML for UniversitySite SSO - Current Interface - UniversitySite

You can test your configuration without interrupting the existing login experience for your production users by following these instructions


  1. First you must go to the “Login Settings” page in UniversitySite. (Make sure you are in InstructorSite. If not, click on the left-most dropdown list at the top of the page and click on “InstructorSite”). Your page in UniversitySite should look like this now.
  2. Now, you will drop down the menu under your name at the top right-most drop-down and click on “Global Settings”.
  3. Now you will see the “Global Settings” page, scroll to the bottom of this page and click on “Login Settings”.
  4. Now login to OneLogin as an administrator and click on new app in your OneLogin control panel. 
  5. First, type in “UniversitySite” to find the UniversitySite application connector. Next, click on the UniversitySite icon.
  6. You will see this now, just click the SAVE button.
  7. You will see this now, first click on the “Configuration” tab, then type in your subdomain name (you will get this name from the UniversitySite support team). In this example, onelogin is the subdomain name. Finally, click the SAVE button. 
  8. Now the easy part 😊! The page on the left is OneLogin. The page on the right is the UniversitySite login settings.
    1. Click on the “Use SAML” button in UniversitySite.
    2. Copy from Subdomain in OneLogin to Subdomain in UniversitySite. Now you will see something like this.
    3. Click on the SSO tab on the OneLogin page.
    4. Copy from Issuer URL in OneLogin to SAML Provider URL in UniversitySite.
    5. Copy from SAML 2.0 Endpoint in OneLogin to SAML SSO URL in UniversitySite.
    6. Copy from SLO Endpoint in OneLogin to SAML SLO URL in UniversitySite.
    7. Click on “View Details” under X.509 Certificate on the OneLogin page. Now you will see something like this.
    8. Click on the copy icon to copy the certificate to your clipboard. Paste that certificate into SAML ID Provider’s Cert in UniversitySite.
    9. Click on the “Save Settings” button in UniversitySite.
  9. Now you will have to do anything you would typically do in OneLogin when you add a new app such as add authorized users, etc.

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