Working with CLE Certificates

This article provides details on working with CLE Certificates. Some jurisdictions require the use of their specific certificates, while others allow the use of the Uniform CLE Certificate.

In InstructorSite, when creating a course and assigning CLE credits to it, information regarding the certificates available for specific jurisdictions will appear in the Certificate area. For jurisdictions that do not require a specific certificate, select the CLE / Uniform CLE Certificate in the Alternate Certificate section to send the Uniform CLE Certificate. Fill in the information needed, then Save Course when all course variables are set.

After Course or Event attendance has been finalized, certificates can be generated and sent to attendees with the corresponding practitioner details. For attendees with practitioner details in a jurisdiction without a specific certificate, a Uniform CLE Certificate will be generated.

Select Next Step, then verify the certificate settings and select Send to email certificates to the attendees.

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