Assigning Assistant relationships for Learners

While it is possible for an attorney, for example, to give permission to his/her secretary to assist him in UniversitySite, it may be more practical to set this up for them.

NOTE: This can be automated with the current version of the user sync tool that runs every night to update your user data BUT this requires that you are using a database source not Active Directory.

If you want to set up the automatic sync please contact to get the new version of our sync tool and help to set this up.

To assign assistant relationships manually do the following.

1. Edit either the assistant or the person whom the assistant is to assist from the users area on the toolbar

2.  Click on "Assistants" from the quick nav menu on the left.

3. Choose either people who this person can assist (if editing the assistant's profile) or users who can assist...if you are editing the attorney/person who is to be assisted

4. Save your changes to the profile

In this screenshot, Daniel's profile is being edited.  

Daniel can assist both Michael and Lawren but currently no one can assist Daniel

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