LearningSite Global Settings - Home Page Settings


Many customers have wanted to experiment with creating some custom widgets or modifying their "hero effect" area with a different image or HTML but didn't want to mess up their Home page while they tried it out.  

Previously they would try to get a test site setup so they could work with this until they got it to their liking, then they would have to copy their changes over to their production site.

Not any more.

Previously customers have asked for a way to have an entire custom page they could create for a specific department or need.  Now this too is possible.


In order to address these needs we have created the concept of multiple home pages that you can create, each with it's own URL so it can be referenced specifically from the active home page by means of that URL if desired.

The second thing we have done is allow you to specify which home page you want to be "active", which just means which home page loads by default when users view the home page.

Administrators will find this new settings page in the Global settings menu beneath their name in LearningSite (not InstructorSite).

In the screenshot below you can see the Active page (the one users see when they come to LearningSite) but there are "Other Pages" that you can create, in this example @delete me :) was created.

You can also see that you could click on the Manage button and make this new Home page "@delete me" your Active home page instead of your current one.

When you click on the +New Page button you get to choose which of your currently existing home pages (only one until you have done this before :) ) to base your new page off of as a template.

When you create your first new Home Page you will be presented with two choices for your Base Page, but as you create more, you will see them as options to base your new pages upon.

The Default Page Layout is what we provide out of the box.

Page 1 is the current Home page, with any modifications you may have made to the original default layout.

If you have never modified your Home Page then these two options will be equivalent, but if you have customized your home page and want to base the new page you are creating off of the current page then choose "Page1".

Now you can begin customizing this page til you are happy with it without worrying about messing up your Active Home page.  Your users won't see it until or unless you make it the Active page OR you share the link to it.

For more information about customizing your home page widgets see this article .  General help for customizing your home page can be found here.

If you want Profiscience to help you design one or more professional pages, please contact Lawren Finely

Give your page a name if you choose that is more memorable than the default "Page 2" :) then click Create Page.

To begin customizing your new page click on the Page name (Page 2 in my example) and you will see what it currently looks like.

If you so choose you could now make this NEW page (Page 2 in my example) your Active page by clicking the Manage button, then Make Active.

You can also grab a URL to that page even though it isn't your Active/Default home page and use this new page by means of this URL elsewhere on the active home page or in an email or wherever it makes sense to put it.  Select Manage, then choose Share.

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