How to Move UniversitySite

If you need to move UniversitySite to a new webserver this document is for you.  Since this move will require re-installing UniversitySite on the new server it may make sense to consider upgrading to the latest version or moving to the cloud where upgrades are automatic and included.  Contact Daniel for upgrade options.

Applies To

  • Behind the firewall installations
  • Moving the UniversitySite website to a new webserver
  • Moving the SQL database to a new SQL server

Intended Audience

  • System administrators


Ensure that your new web server and SQL server meet the minimum requirements for the version of UniversitySite you are planning to install.

Steps for moving to a new database server

  1. Backup your UniversitySite database, and then restore the latest backup to your new SQL server.
  2. in SQL Management Studio get properties on the database and from the options, set Database Compatibility to match that of the SQL server you are using
  3. Also, set the Database Recovery option to Simple and then schedule backups of your new database
  4. On the webserver, open the c:\inetpub\wwwroot\App_Code\app.config and change the database connection string to match the new SQL server.  Update both SQL server and username and password as needed.

Steps for moving to a new webserver

  1. Copy the UniversitySite folder from the old web server to the same/analogous location on the new one.  e.g. from c:\inetpub\wwwroot\UniversitySite on the old server to c:\inetpub\wwwroot\UniversitySite on the new.
  2. If necessary (using a friendly URL) Update DNS so that the old URL resolves to the new web server. See How to Setup a Friendly URL for details.
  3. On the new web server, add the "Everyone" object in windows file security on c:\inetpub\wwwroot\UniversitySite\Data folder
  4. Edit the app.config file inside the app_code folder of UniversitySite and ensure the hostname is updated to match the hostname of the new server (either the server name or the alias you are using)
  5. For detailed instructions please see How to Install UniversitySite
  6. Don't forget to deactivate UniversitySite on your old web server or at least disable the UniversitySiteReminderService on the old site so you don't get duplicate reminders.
  7. Setup windows authentication for UniversitySite

Testing your work

  1. Access UniversitySite from your desktop, NOT the webserver to confirm it loads as expected
  2. From the Administrator Tools in UniversitySite, open the Mail Setup and Customization item
  3. Click the Test email settings button
  4. Uninstall UniversitySite from the old webserver

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