How to Install UniversitySite
Applies To
- NEW Behind the Firewall Installations (vs UniversitySite Cloud)
Intended Audience
- System administrators
Minimum Requirements
Before installing UniversitySite, please review the Minimum Requirements for Installing UniversitySite and make sure your intended server/s meet these requirements.
Server Prep
It is also important if setting up a new server, or even if not, to review the server components that should be in place for the server before you run the installer.
Website Setup
- On the web server download the latest version of the web files from Here (This should always get the current version)
- Extract the files and rename the folder "UniversitySite"
- Cut the folder and paste it where you want the application to reside e.g. c\inetpub\wwwroot\
- Add the "Everyone" object in windows file security on c:\inetpub\wwwroot\UniversitySite\Data folder
- In IIS, right-click on the Application pool item in the leftmost menu and choose to create an application pool called "UniversitySite and set it for Integrated pipeline mode.
- Right-click on default website or another website where you want to install UniversitySite and choose convert to application, selecting your application pool previously created and browse to the location where you created the folder and select it e.g. c:\inetpub\wwwroot\universitysite. The application should be called "UniversitySite"
- Create your "app.config" file inside the app_code folder of UniversitySite (use notepad or similar)
<appSettings> <add key="ConnectionString" value="server=YourSQLServer;uid=SQLUserForUniversitySite;pwd=EnterYourSQLPWHere;database=UniversitySite;Pooling=true; Max Pool Size=500; Connection LifeTime=0;Connection Timeout=30;Connection Timeout=30" /> <add key="hostname" value="YourWebServerNameOrAlias" /> <add key="UniversitySiteFolder" value="UniversitySite" /> </appSettings>
- Update server= with the name of your SQL server
- Update UID= with the name of your SQL user account with DBO role
- Update pw= with the SQL user account PW
- Update the hostname value= to match the hostname of your web server (either the server name or the alias you are using)
- Save your changes and remove .txt from the app.config filename if you renamed it earlier to open it in Notepad :)
- From the UniversitySite\db folder copy the following two files and paste them onto the db server somewhere convenient
- Create v2014.1.sql
- Upgrade v2014 to v.2017.sql
Database Setup
- Create a new database and set the properties for Recovery mode - Simple and Compatibility mode to match the version of SQL Server you are running
- Inside the new blank database run the script Create v2014.1.sql
- When this completes run the script Upgrade v2014 to v.2017.sql which should bring it to the current version
- Create SQL account to be used to access UniversitySite db and give it Database Owner role. I recommend calling it UnivSite for simplicity
- Set the UniversitySite administrator account pw and email for website login purposes (used in Setup Mail and Single Sign on Section below)
- run the following command in SQL Studio Manager for your UniversitySite database:
update users set password = 'EnterYourDesiredPassWord', email = '', where id =1
- run the following command in SQL Studio Manager for your UniversitySite database:
Install the Reminder Service
- On the web server Download the Reminder Service from here.
- Create c:\program files\Profiscience Partners\ folder and extract the UniversitySite Reminder Service folder there so you end up with c:\program files\Profiscience Partners\UniversitySite Reminder Service
- Open Powershell in Administrator mode and run the following PowerShell command:
New-Service -Name "UniversitysSite Reminder Service" -BinaryPathName "c:\program files\Profiscience Partners\UniversitySite Reminder Service\UniversitySiteReminderService.exe"
- Open services.msc from the run menu and verify that UniversitySiteRemnderService is running
Enable windows integrated authentication in IIS
For more details see How to setup SSO for UniversitySite behind the firewall
- Launch IIS Manager
- Enable Anonymous, Basic authentication, and Windows integrated authentication on the Directory Security tab for the UniversitySite application
- Select the content tab in IIS
- Right-click on the loginviawindows.aspx and choose Switch to Features
- Double click the authentication item in IIS (loginviawindows.aspx should already be selected)
- Enable Windows integrated authentication, and disable Anonymous access for loginviawindows.aspx in the application
Ensure links to your document management system are permitted in IIS
Allow DRF, or NRL file types on Mime Types on Default Website (or other website where UniversitySite is located). This will allow users to access Interwoven or Hummingbird file attachments on courses in the catalog.
Setup Mail and Single Signon in UniversitySite
- Login to UniversitySite as the administrator e.g. and set the SMTP server IP address or name for UniversitySite for sending mail.
- Note: you may need to ensure that the Exchange/Mail Server you specify will allow relay of SMTP mail commands from the UniversitySite web server if the target machine actively refuses when you test.
- Note: You may need to click the UniversitySite Logout button on the toolbar first.
- Open Global Settings in UniversitySite
- Choose SMTP Server Settings from the Email section
- Fill in the SMTP server name or IP address and choose OK
- Confirm mail settings work by clicking the Test email settings button
- From the User's Section chose the Login Settings item
- Select Use Windows Integrated Authentication and click OK
Setting up the User Sync
- Configure your automated user import using the Active Directory Import Note: This tool also supports database imports and can email multiple persons based on the selections to notify when the tool has
- From the Start menu on the web server, choose Program files, Profiscience Partners, Active Directory
- Choose the Setup tab
- Click Add to specify a data source for the sync
- Select either Active Directory (default) or OLE
- Name the Sync
- Decide whether or not to disable user accounts that no longer exist in the source (recommended)
- Note: If you are using OLE Database as the source choose the button to the right of the DB connection field or type it manually. Enter the DB select statement into the DB Select field either directly, or using the button to the right of the field.
- Choose the Preview button
- Map the fields from the data source to the fields in UniversitySite using the drop down buttons for each field as desired
- Note: It is important that the Disabled field is mapped to a field in the data source that either contains a 1, T, or True for disabled or a 0, F, or False for NOT disabled.
- Determine which field is best for the Office locations in UniversitySite.
- physicalDeliveryOfficeName (office) or l (city)
- If choosing l for city, then edit the AD filter and replace physicalDeliveryOfficeName with l
- Note: The AD Filter will exclude any accounts from being processed that do not have either a first and last name, email address, or Office location (physicaldeliveryofficename or l depending upon the selection). This means that if a new person is entered in AD without an Office (or city if using that), then they will NOT be added to UniversitySite.
- When mapping is complete, choose OK
- Ensure the target UniversitySite is set to Hosted Locally
- Choose a notification level (Summary with Errors and Warnings is recommended)
- Note: If multiple recipients are desired, separate the email addresses with a comma.
- Save the Settings
- Test the settings from the Main tab
- Click Start
- Enable the data source
- Choose Ok, and confirm that the import proceeds without errors and that the notification email is received
Schedule the User Sync in Task Scheduler
- Open Scheduled Tasks control panel applet and choose, Add Basic Task
- Select an identifiable name for the task such as “UniversitySite AD User Import”, select Daily and click Next
- Select the time the task should run and choose Next
- Select the action “Start a program” and choose Next
- Browse for the task executable at c:\program files\Profisciencē Partners\Active Directory Import\ActiveDirectoryImport.exe
- Add argument: activedirectoryimport.xml
- Enter the windows user account login information for the account this task should run under and choose Next
- Note: The following rights are needed for the AD Import service account:
- Local Admin Group membership
- Logon as a service (for scheduled task)
- Domain Users group membership
- Account must have read access to the Profsiciencē Partners program file directory where the AD Import program resides
- Check the box to Open advanced properties, select finish and choose Next
- Check the box for “Run whether user is logged on or not”
- Manually run the scheduled task to confirm that it was set up correctly and ensure that the last result status looks like 0x00.
- Login to UniversitySite from a desktop and confirm login is automatic for UniversitySite.