How to Merge Duplicate User Profiles

Applies To

  • UniversitySite Cloud
  • InstructorSite

Intended Audience

  • System administrators


From time to time you may want to give a new hire access to UniversitySite so they can begin using it even before they are added automatically by your scheduled user sync process.

While this is possible, it WILL likely result in a duplicate user account being created when the sync does create that account so it then becomes necessary to merge those two accounts in order to retain any history that was associated with the temporary account.

Important Note

Since the steps will involve deleting the system created account and updating the previously created account that has been accumulating history, it is vital to do this as soon as possible so as not to lose history that might start accumulating under the system generated account.

Steps to Merge Empty New User Profile with Existing Profile that has History

  1. Edit the user account profile in InstructorSite for the (no history/Empty) new Profile that got created and screenshot the top section with all the fields in it (email, network alias, name, etc)
  2. DELETE the New and empty user profile in InstructorSite.
  3. Edit the old (the one which has the history) user account and update the fields on the profile to match those from your screenshot in step 1 (especially network alias and email address)
  4. From now on when the sync runs it will match up on the account that was originally temporary and which has history associated with it, making it the new business account

What If The New Account Contains History?

  1. Screenshot the NEW account profile in UniversitySite which you can then use to update the old one to MATCH in a later step.
  2. Impersonate the user (view the user account in InstructorSite and click the green Impersonate button - Note that you must be an administrator to do this) and visit the plans page in LearningSite, selecting the My Plans tab and screenshot that to make note of any plans they were enrolled in.
  3. Export the Training course attendance history from Global Settings, import/export tool which will contain history for ALL users
  4. Download the On-demand Course History report which will contain history for ALL users
  5. Remove all rows from both spreadsheets except the rows containg the records for the new profile (the new profile will be deleted after we capture this history in the two spreadsheets). Make sure you save the report download AS a CSV now, since the original download will be an XLSX file which you cannot use for the import.
  6. Now that you have the instructor-led attendance history AND the elearning completions, if any, you can DELETE the NEW user account
  7. EDIT the OLD account to match the fields you screenshotted from the NEW profile so that their email address, network alias, and first and last name match
  8. Import the Training Course Attendance History using the Import/Export tool in Global settings
  9. On-demand course history cannot be directly imported, but can be massaged so that it matches the format needed to import a grant for those courses (that's what the Training Course Completions import does)
  10. Download the Training Course Completions Import Template
  11. Update the On-Demand history CSV file you previously downloaded to match the format needed from the template, adding any columns that are required in the template e.g. Update the Learner name and replace it with LearnerUserName (extra columns can be ignored or deleted)
  12. Import the Training Course Completions to produce grants (that's the best we can do for the elearning completions)
  13. Manually enroll the learner in any plans they were previously enrolled in.

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