Merging Duplicate Content Providers

How does the merging feature work?

• When you have a duplicate provider where the spelling may differ from one to the other, you are essentially going to rename one provider to match the name of the other.

• When you make the update, you will first see the name listed twice. But, once you refresh your page, the provider’s name will show once and the result will be that any activity or course that was under the old name will now display under the new edited name.

• Once this change has been made, you will not be able to reverse it.


Start by going to System>Global Settings and click into Content Providers.

In this example, you have the same provider, but one has a typo.

For the one with the typo, click on the dropdown arrow to the right and select Rename Provider. If your goal is to merge with the other, the new name must be typed in exactly to match the other. After you submit the change, initially, you will see the name listed twice as seen here:

But once you refresh your screen, the provider will be listed once. Any course or activity formerly under the old name will now be updated to be under the new name.

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