California Provider System and Uploading Data

California Provider Import Tool

The California MCLE Board requires that you enter all programs and attendance into their Provider Reporting System. The entries include:

• Programs you have provided that have been approved for California credit.

• All attendees and instructors who are licensed in California.

• If outside clients that have a California license attend your program, they should be included in the attendance.

Entering the attendance requires that you know the Bar Number for each licensed person. If you are looking for a quicker way to enter this information, the Board does allow you to upload this information if you can put the information into their template.

Profiscience Partners has developed a report that will export both the courses and the attendees into a template that is already formatted to the California Board's specifications. You can then use this report to export the information and then upload the information into the California Provider System saving you from keying in all this information.

From REPORTS>CLE/CPD, select California Law Provider Import.

Select Course and then enter the date range for which you are reporting.

Download the report and save it with a name that references it is a course file and the date range.

Next, click on Attendance, download the report, and save it with a name that references it is an attendance file and the date range.

Once you have the files, log in to the California Provider System at:

In the lower left quadrant, click on Upload Course and Course-Attendance

Browse for and upload the Course File first. Then click on the red Upload button.

Once the courses are uploaded, then repeat these steps to browse for an upload the Attendance File. Then click on the red Upload button.

Common Errors for the Course File Upload

• The course has already been uploaded.

• If a course has many instructors listed, the system will error out. Upload only 3 and then manually enter the rest in the California Provider System.

Common Errors for the Attendance File Upload

• A Bar Number is missing or is entered incorrectly in your system. To look up or confirm a Bar Number, go to this URL:

• You are adding attendance when the course has not been uploaded previously. This happens typically when a program is recorded and uploaded later to UniversitySite.

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