ClientSite: Managing Compliance with On-Demand eLearning

If you have purchased ClientSite and will use it to manage on-demand compliance training, this guide should help you with the general process. This is not intended to be exhaustive, but it will give you the basics you need to be successful.

High-level Overview of Process for Each Client:

  • Provide the Template to the Client for Employee Enrollment Data along with additional information
  • Create a Location
  • Modify the Global Enrollment Notification Template
  • Import Employee Data
  • Designate a Client Employee to access ManagerSite
  • Create and customize Certificate of Completion
  • Create the On-Demand Course
  • Assign Certificate to On-Demand Course
  • Create an Audience for the Client
  • Create a Plan (or Plans if needed for Managers and for Staff)
  • Enroll Users
  • Send Enrollment Notifications

Complete the following steps for each new client:

  1. Download Template, then provide the CSV with the following fields/columns (Case sensitive) to the client so they can add their employee data to it (the order of these fields doesn't matter). You'll want to explain how they should use this.
    1. Company
    2. FirstName
    3. LastName
    4. eMail
    5. CustomFieldValue1 (this field will include either "Manager" or "Staff"
    6. Location (State or City if you need to track that)
  2. Also, inform your client:
    1. that to help ensure email delivery to them, they should whitelist all emails from our dedicated IP address
    2. that each employee provided on the CSV will receive an enrollment email with simple login instructions and will automatically receive an email containing a PDF of their certificate upon completing the training
    3. Find out from your client who will need ManagerSite access to oversee the training their employees take
    4. Contact the person at your new client who will be managing their employee compliance through ManagerSite. Notify them that they must use the link they will receive for their own Plan enrollment notice to log in first BEFORE they can begin managing their employees through ManagerSite (Click LearningSite after logging in and choose "ManagerSite" from the drop-down, then pick courses and click on the course in question so they can see who has or who has not completed it)
  3. Review the Employee Data provided by the Client and then create the Location (if needed) in Global Settings | Users | Office and Locations
  4. If there will be a Plan for Managers and a Plan for Staff, in Global Settings | Users | Profile Settings, Label Custom Field 1 "Manager or Staff" if needed to distinguish two different compliance groups for the client

  5. In Global Settings | Email | Templates, update the Plans Enrollment Notice along the following lines (example):
    1. You have been enrolled in asexual harassment prevention training program.

      Please follow this <LinkToLearningPlan>link</LinkToLearningPlan> to take the interactive training. Please click all links only once.

      When you click on the link you will log in with your email address and then you will receive another email from “” Click on the blue “Login” button to take you to the training. The training program does not work correctly with Internet Explorer. We highly recommend using the Chrome or Edge browser.

      (Please do not forward this email as the link is user-specific.)

  6. Import the CSV from your client in Global Settings | right-click Import/Export Data to open in new tab | Import Data | Data Type = Users | Select File to Upload | Validate File | Import
  7. From the More menu, create an Audience that consists of all and only the users with the company name =Company ABC (replace with your client company name of course)
  8. From Users, edit the profile of the "Manager," who will use ManagerSite to oversee/manage their employees' compliance, and assign the "Company ABC" Audience in the "Audiences Managed" section of the profile editor. This step ensures they can access ManagerSite and will see all and only their employees as defined by the Audience you created in the previous step
  9. Create a New Certificate | Dupe and Revise Default, customize it. See Community Post
  10. Create the On-Demand Course and upload your SCORM-compliant zip package to the course and
  11. Assign the custom Certificate to the On-Demand Course and then set it to be automatically awarded when this course is completed. Save Course
  12. Create a Plan (it may be most efficient to copy a Plan from an existing client but without enrollees)
    1. Complete the Name and Description fields
    2. Set the status of the Plan to Staged so that no email goes out until you are ready for it
    3. Set Deadline Type to Suggested
    4. Set the Deadline on the Future Enrollees tab
    5. Add Course(s) to Plan
    6. In the Email section of the Plan, specify the Sender/Reply Address as desired
  13. While still creating the Plan, enable the following Email Notifications:
    1. Send Enrollment Notices to New Enrollees
    2. Send Completion Notices to Enrollees | Use Custom Template – Edit and update the Subject field of your completion notice template as an example: Congratulations on Completing Your Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Program!
    3. Reminders – Send Recurring Reminders | Use Custom Template: Edit and Update Subject field. Update Body to: This is a reminder that you have been enrolled in a sexual harassment prevention training program.

      Please follow this <LinkToLearningPlan>link</LinkToLearningPlan> totake the interactive training.  Please click all links only once.

      When you click on the link, you will log in with your email address and receive another email from “” Click on the blue “Login” button to take you to the training. The training program does not work correctly with Internet Explorer. We highly recommend using the Chrome or Edge browser.

      (Please do not forward this email as the link is user-specific.)

    4. Save the Plan after enabling the above notifications
  14. Edit the Plan again (remove “Active” Status filter from Plans page), and from the Security section:
    1. Assign the Audience you created in Step 7 to ensure only these people can see the Plan
    2. Turn off "visible in LearningSite" so ONLY people enrolled in the Plan will see it (extra step for additional security)
  15. Save the Plan
  16. If your compliance training is different for Staff vs. Managers, then you will create a second Plan (copy the Plan that you’ve just created and customized) and Edit the Title"[Client Name] - 2024 Sexual Harassment for Managers," assuming the first one was for "Staff" and Save Plan
  17. Edit Plan
  18. Enroll the Company ABC employees in their Plan
    1. Expand the Enrollee Settings section, and within the Auto-enrollment section,
    2. Add Criteria
    3. Specify Company is
    4. Select Company ABC
    5. If NOT managing two different groups for the client, e.g., Managers and Staff skip to Step i
    6. If managing two different groups for the client, e.g., Managers and Staff, click Add Criteria
    7. Select "Manager or Staff"
    8. Specify "Manager" if this is the manager version of the Plan or "Staff" if it's for the staff version of the Plan
    9. Click Next and then click Continue until you've enrolled them
    10. Save Plan. This will generate the enrollment notices but don't send them yet
    11. If managing two different groups for the client e.g., Managers and Staff, repeat these Auto-Enrollment steps in the other Plan
  19. When you are ready to begin using your Plan(s), follow these steps:
    1. From Users, impersonate the profile from which you want the enrollment notices to come. This User must have InstructorSite access
    2. While impersonating the user, edit the Plan and set the status to Active
    3. Save Plan
    4. Click the banner for the enrollment notices that you did not send out yet
    5. Select all
    6. Send
    7. Repeat for the other Plan as needed

Resources available under Help to assist with the above activities:

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