Bulk register people for events

You can bulk register learners into events utilizing the import/export Global Settings tool.

I've written out some steps below but I'm also happy to show this to you for additional clarity.

If you want me to do that just grab a slot on my calendar (30 mins should be fine).

Important: Since this import is also designed to create events that don't exist it matches up on existing events to add registrants on Date and time, timezone, Title, and InstructorUserName. If ANY of those are different this import will create NEW events and add the registrants to those.

  1. Download the template for Training Course Attendance History to see the columns needed for the import
  2. Export Training Events to a CSV (you will use this to help fill in your import CSV)
  3. Remove all rows but the events you want to register people for 
  4. Ensure you have all necessary import columns on the Training events export
  5. If necessary, copy and paste event column titles from the template since they are case-sensitive
  6. Add a row for each learner for each event you want them to be registered for, filling in the required columns (See import instructions on the Training Course Attendance History import page or below where I copied that information for your convenience)
  7. Save your changes but keep the file a CSV since this format is required for imports
  8. Perform a Training Course Attendance History import using your edited Training Events spreadsheet

Rules to remember for this import:

  • Required Columns (Cannot be blank): Date, TimeZone, Prefix, Number, OfficeLocation, TrainingRoom, InstructorUserName and LearnerUserName
  • Specified Courses (prefix and number), Instructors, and Learners must already exist in UniversitySite before attendance history can be imported
  • If the events take place in the past: the learners will be marked as attended and the event will be marked as having attendance recorded
  • If the event takes place in the future: the learners will be marked as registered and the event will be marked as not having attendance recorded

Column Descriptions:

  • Date – Date and start time of event e.g. 11/1/2009 9:00 AM
  • TimeZone - must be specified by the abbreviation e.g. CST. If TimeZone is empty, then GMT will be used and this is normally NOT desirable. TimeZone will be used to save the start and end time as well as the date registration closes.
  • Prefix - Training Course prefix e.g. OTLK
  • Number - Training Course number e.g. 110
  • OfficeLocation - The location of the event e.g. Dallas or online. The word: "online" must be in this column if the learner attended an online event
  • TrainingRoom - The name of the room where the event is being held e.g. 29A. This must be blank if the location is online
  • InstructorUserName, LearnerUserName - Windows user login name e.g. wallaced
  • Score - numeric value between 0 and 100; optional UNLESS “track scores” is turned on in which case it’s required

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