Manage the Standby List for a CLE Event


This article lists the steps needed to add registrant(s) to a standby list for a CLE Event. 


1. In InstructorSite, from the main navigation bar, select, Live Events. Find the Event. 

2. Select the Registrants tab. 

3. When all seats are filled, a red warning, that reads Roster Full shows next to the Training Room. Select, New Registrant. 

4. Select the registrant. If the roster was full prior to, a new warning will show above the existing registrants, that says a registrant needs to be moved to the standby list. 

5. Select the registrant, then select, Move Selected. 

6. A standby list will be added underneath the existing registrants. 

7. Select, Save Registrants. 

Managing the standby list 

Find the event, and under the registrants tab, the standby list of registrants can always be found under the existing registrants.

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