If an Illinois Newly Admitted Attorney Obtains CLE Carry Over Credit
This article lists the steps needed to Carry Over excess CLE credits from an attorney's Illinois (Newly Admitted Attorneys) Plan, to the attorney's Illinois (Experienced Attorneys) Plan.
1. In InstructorSite, from the main navigation bar, Select Plans. Then Select, Illinois (Newly Admitted Attorneys) Plan. Select, the Users tab, and Search for the attorney.
2. Select the drop-down arrow. Then select, Print.
3. Under Destination, select, Save as PDF, and Print. Find the appropriate folder, then select, Save.
4. From the main navigation bar, Select Plans. Then Select the Illinois (Experienced Attorneys) Plan.
5. Select, the green, New Enrollee button.
6. Find the attorney, then select, Enroll.
7. Under the User Status filter, select, Enrolled.
8. Find the attorney, then select, Edit.
9. Click inside the First Deadline Date box.
10. Select the correct Deadline Date, then select, OK.
11. Under the attorney's completion status, select, Show Details.
12. Scroll down to the Learning Activity box, and select, Add Activity.
13. Add a Title, then add a Date that is within the attorney's current compliance period.
14. Add the total carryover credit amount, to the appropriate Credits.
15. Select, the Click here to upload a file box. Then select the attorney's IL (Newly Admitted Attorneys) PDF report.
16. Select, Submit.
17. The plan will automatically populate the attorney's new completion percentage.
Rules to Remember
- Max of 15 excess CLE credits may be carried over into the attorney's first two-year compliance period.
- of those 15 CLE credits, a max of 6 excess Professional Responsibility credits may be carried over.