Expiring On-Demand Credits


Some jurisdictions require on-demand credits to expire after a period of time. This article lists the steps needed to add an expiration date to a credit for an on-demand course. 


1. In InstructorSite, find the on-demand course, then select, Edit. 

2. Scroll down to the credits section. Choose the credit that best fits the scenario and add the new expiration date. For example, this course doesn't expire for credit in NY, but it does expire for credit in IL. 

3. Once the Expiration has been added select, Save Course. 

4. From the course view page, on the right side, the Credits section should now display an Expiration date for the expiring credits. 

Additionally, the expiration date will be set automatically for jurisdictions that require it, and previously created courses will need the date added to them. 

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