Extend a Deadline


This article lists the steps needed to extend a user's CLE compliance deadline. 


1. In InstructorSite, from the top navigation bar select Plans. 

2. Search for the Plan, the user needs the extension for. 

3. Select the Plan. 

4. Select the Users tab. 

5. Search for the user the extension is needed for. 

6. From their compliance report, on the right side, select Edit.

7. Under the Extension column, find the correct set of period dates. 

8. In the box next to the correct deadline, Input the new Extension date.

9. Tick the tracking slider next it it, to make sure that new Period is being tracked. 

10. Select OK. The new Extension will automatically update the plan to the new deadline date. 


The credits earned in the extension period will be applied to the open period until the plan reaches compliance. Credits earned after that point, will then be applied to the next period.

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