Create a Course that awards CLE credit


This article lists the steps for Creating a Course that will award CLE credit.


  1.  In InstructorSite, from the top navigation bar select (+) New and then Course.
  2. Add a Title - e.g. Real Estate Leases: Part 3.
  3. Add a Description - Best practice is to provide detailed information about the presentation and the speaker. 
    1. The Description box makes it easy to bold and underline words or phrases, as well as drag and drop images into the box. 
  4. Select the Course Type (for details see this article.) 

  5. Add the Learning Format from the drop-down.
  6. Add a Prefix. Create a Prefix for all CLE courses, helps keep them grouped. 

  7. Scroll down to the Credits drop-down. 
  8. Select a Credit that will be awarded. 

  9. Save Course

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