How to Manually Update User Profiles in Bulk

WARNING: Only update fields NOT being populated by your user sync or your changes will be overwritten.

As a result this is normally only used to populate user profiles with custom field data.

You can Export your users to a .csv (it must remain a .csv for the import to work) and then update the custom fields you are using for those two with the values you need and reimport. 

Here's how:
  1. Open Global Settings in InstructorSite
  2. Select User Profile Settings
  3. Expand Custom Field Labels and label any of the unused custom fields you want to use
  4. Save Settings
  5. Select the Import/Export Data option from the Import Data section
  6. Select Export Data
  7. From the drop down for data type choose Users
  8. Select Export This produces a .csv
  9. Update the values you want in the correct Custom Field and save (KEEP it a CSV file!!)
  10. Select Global Settings
  11. Select Import/Export Data
  12. Select Import Data
  13. Choose Users from the data type drop down
  14. Click the Select button and browse for your .csv
  15. Validate and then import and then Finish

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