Use Hangfire Instead of Reminder Service
You may be asked to enable hangfire to replace the reminder service when for some reason the tasks normally handled by the reminder service are failing for unknown reasons.
The tasks the reminder service handles are:
- Send reminders for events for learners and event contacts
- Send reminders for plans
- Update audience members for auto-member audiences
- Update plan enrollees for auto-enrollment enabled for plans
When instructed by Profiscience to enable this feature please take the following steps.
1. In InstructorSite access Background Tasks from Global Settings and set it to IIS (Not Recommended). Only in this case we are recommending it.
2. On the web server, open c:\inetpub\wwwroot\universitysite\App_Code\
app.config in a text editor and insert, then save:
3. Hit the website with your browser from the desktop to begin using the updated app.config.
To access Hangfire once you've set it up use this URL (replace your firm with your firm's domain used in your cloud site OR if behind the firewall, with your webserver name
You can view the status of Hangfire jobs at the following URL: …/UniversitySite/hangfire
When Hangfire is turned on (see two settings above), the web service that is called “DoScheduledWork” by the ReminderService will simply return without doing any work to ensure that if the ReminderService is still running on an instance of UniversitySite in addition to Hangfire, that no duplicate work will be done.