How to Update UniversitySite with the Latest Patch - Edge

Applies To

  • Behind the Firewall Installations (vs UniversitySite Cloud)

Intended Audience

  • System administrators


Updates to UniversitySite are released as patches.  To see what's new, see the  Change Log.  Updates go through a quality assurance process before they are published.

Click here to download the latest build

Important Changes 

  • The latest versions of UniversitySite now require SQL server version 2016 or 2019.  If you are runniing an older version of SQL server you need to either update to a supported version or move the DB to a server running the supported versions.
  • .NET 4.8    
  • The IIS application pool must be set to integrated mode
  • Configuration has moved from web.config into App_Code/app.config. If you are updating for the first time since 5/12/17, you will migrate settings from web.config to explained below

Backup Now

  • Backup your SQL database because the patch will upgrade the database schema.
  • Backup your web folder. Make a copy of your c:\inetpub\wwwroot\UniversitySite folder.  It contains a Data folder that may be large.  You can skip backing up that folder prior to upgrading if necessary.


Updates are distributed as a zip file.

Once you have previously created the app.config file manually and are ready to patch again just follow these short steps to update

  1. Check for the presence of a c:\inetpub\wwwroot\UniversitySite\App_code\app.config file and if not present, then create the app.config file (see instructions below)
  2. Delete the contents of c:\inetpub\wwwroot\UniversitySite EXCEPT for the Data and App_Code folders.
  3. NOTE: You may get an error trying to delete some of the font files if they are in use. Ignore
  4. Copy the contents of the zip file into the existing c:\inetpub\wwwroot\UniversitySite directory on your web server  (ignore font collisions)

If you have never applied an Edge patch (no App_code folder present)

  1. Check for the presence of a c:\inetpub\wwwroot\UniversitySite\App_code\app.config file and if not present, then create the app.config file (see instructions below)
  2. Delete the contents of c:\inetpub\wwwroot\UniversitySite EXCEPT for the Data and App_Code folders.
  3. NOTE: You may get an error trying to delete some of the font files if they are in use. Ignore
  4. Copy the contents of the zip file into the existing c:\inetpub\wwwroot\UniversitySite directory on your web server  
  5. Follow the steps listed here to setup your application pool for integrated pipeline mode
  6. Follow the steps listed here to ensure cache on client browsers is cleared

Create app.config

Configuration has moved from  web.config into App_Code/app.config. If you are updating for the first time since 5/12/17, migrate settings from web.config to explained below.

  1. Create a text file: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\UniversitySite\App_Code\app.config
  2.  Copy and paste the code below into your new app.config file
  3. <appSettings>
  4. Copy the values for the connection string from c:\inetpub\wwwroot\UniversitySite\web.config.
  5. Set the value for hostname.  If you access UniversitySite at http://webserver/universitysite, set the hostname to webserver.  If your site is internet accessible, set it to the to the qualified hostname such as
  6. Save your changes to the new app.config (IISReset is not necessary)

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