2018-03-07 Ability to suspend auto-enrollment for plans

Some of our customers have expressed an interest in having the ability to stop auto-enrolling users into learning plans for a period of time. Usually, the plan calculates which users need to be in a learning plan periodically. It will add or remove users as needed based on the criteria selected on a schedule or whenever you save the plan.

Sometimes you want to keep the existing enrollees in a plan but don't want any more added or any removed automatically. You can stop these changes by flipping this switch.


You want to create a plan that is like an existing one, but with new requirements. You want the current users to continue being enrolled so they can finish, but don't want new users to be auto-enrolled into the old plan. This switch will effectively freeze your enrollees unless you manually enroll or withdraw a user. 


The switch is located directly below the auto-enrollment section in the plan editor.

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