InstructorSite / Global Settings / Resource Rename Page


This is step 2 of the three step resource migration process designed to help you get ready to use the new independent resource system.

This page is designed to help you make sure the resource names or titles you currently have are appropriate when they stand alone as independent resources in the new On-Demand page in LearningSite.

What can you do here?

  • Review all the titles or names you currently have for resources in UniversitySite 
  • Update the names of any resources that you think aren't already clear when considered from a stand-alone perspective
  • Search for specific resources in your system by name
  • View any resources to help you name them better if needed

We suggest you look over the entire list and make sure all the resource names are meaningful.  If needed, update the names by typing in the field supplied and when finished click Save Resources.

After you are satisfied that all your resource names are meaningful click the button to Move on to Step 3, the final step in the resource migration process.

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