InstructorSite / Global Settings / Course-Event Evaluation Settings

These settings govern the feedback system for courses and instructors


Show auto-published course ratings and moderator-published comments in LearningSite - If this is enabled, learners can see star ratings (1-5) and any moderator published comments submitted for courses in LearningSite

Show moderator-published instructor ratings and comments in LearningSite - If this is enabled, learners can see in LearningSite feedback submitted and moderated (published) on instructors for events.

Ensure ratings in LearningSite are anonymous - If this is enabled, the identity (picture and name) of people who submit ratings will not be displayed in LearningSite. This applies to existing AND newly added users.

Require Comments - If the feedback is negative, you probably want to know why.  This can be accomplished by requiring a comment when submitting negative feedback. The box is supplied to allow you to control when to require comments (less than 3 e.g.)

Invitation Email Text - The text in this field will be used in the email sent to request feedback after a live event.

Course Rating Labels

Use these labels to modify the default descriptions assigned to each star rating for courses.

Instructor Rating Labels

Use these labels to modify the default descriptions assigned to each star rating for instructors.


You might notice that the moderator section is no longer on this page.  That is because this is now controlled by editing the evaluation you are using (whether default, or custom) 

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