InstructorSite / Global Settings / PLI Integration Settings
Import from every 24 hours:
- Import webcasts, seminars, on-demand web programs
- Import learning activity
Note: PLI only publishes attendance/completion records for the past 10 days.
PLI ID - this is necessary to import attendance/completion records. Contact if you don't know yours
Send Errors To - specify the email address of someone who should receive email about any errors for this import
Audiences - It is usually best to have an Attorney audience here so that ONLY attorneys see this content. If you don't have one consider creating it for this purpose.
Import PLIs live webcasts as online events for all offices - this creates online events visible for any office at the firm
Import PLI's live seminars as events for specific offices - this creates live events only visible in the offices at your firm which match the location this is held
Import PLI's on-demand web programs as video courses - this creates on-demand videos for attorney consumption
Import PLI's attendance/completion records - this imports the attendance and/or course completion records that PLI maintains (again this only goes back 30 days but once turned on, will pull them in moving forward)
Import PLI's categories as tags - this can be helpful for attorneys to find the specific type of PLI content they might be interested in; however, enabling this option results in 700+ tags generated by PLI. You might consider creating a PLI tag and using it instead.
Warning: Some live seminars won't be imported because of locations not mapped to your offices
When you click this item, you can see what locations PLI has scheduled events for, and map those locations to any locations that match locations your firm has offices.
Course Prefix - in most cases it's best to use 'PLI' as the prefix
Primary Contact for Events - specify an email address for the sender email for meeting request acceptances.
Tags for Live Webcasts, Tags for Live Seminars, Tags for On-demand Web Programs
Tags will be assigned to events and on-demand courses, making them easier to find. Another option is creating a "PLI" Tag and using it for all PLI webcasts, seminars, and web programs.
Course Departments - courses will be assigned to this department
Reject On-demand Web Programs - this ensures that recent programs are imported and out-dated programs aren't