InstructorSite Courses Page

This page is a list of all the courses in UniversitySite.

You have the standard search and filter options, but you can also by default see ALL courses, whether hidden or not, instructor-led or not.

Interested in only the On-Demand (elearning typically) courses?  Just select the tab of the same name.

Tip: Don't miss out on the 4 sorting options you can use in addition to the filter buttons

  • Prefix (A-Z) -  this is the default sort
  • Title - Course Title (not including the prefix and number)
  • Created (Newest) - when selected sorts by newest created course and shows the course author
  • Updated (Most Recently) - this sorts courses starting with the most recently updated

The four Status filters for courses are

  1. Active - standard default status for courses in use
  2. Retired - these courses are no longer in use and are not visible in LearningSite 
  3. Expiring soon - these courses will reach their expiration date in 30 days or less
  4. Expired - these courses have reached or exceeded the expiration date set on them and may be candidates for retirement if they are no longer relevant

The duration for courses in the default Prefix (A-Z) view appears in hours and minutes below the course Title

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