InstructorSite Credits Page

General Overview of Credits

Manage the credits for use with UniversitySite courses and events here.

Credits are often setup by firms who want to track and encourage learning in certain areas on an annual basis. For example, you might have several credits: technical skills, professional skills, occupational skills.   

If you add courses, not credits, to a plan, the learners who are assigned that plan have no choice but to take the exact courses you put in the plan to complete that plan.

But if instead you use credits, you can require say 12 IT credits per year, but then the learner can choose which of the many courses (hopefully) that award that credit they want to take and aren't forced to take the specific course/s you might otherwise have assigned them in a plan that doesn't use credits.

Let's say you have 100 courses that award the IT credit and you assign 12 required.  This let's the learner pick from that pool of 100 choices to fulfill their credit requirement.

Credits are assigned to courses, and credits are usually tracked by adding them to plans as a requirement.

Events inherit the credits you assign to courses, but it IS possible to override that amount on a given event if you have reason to do this.

Steps to use credits

  1. Add a credit from the + menu
  2. Give it a name and possibly description
  3. Optionally limit access to use or modify this credit to a single department
  4. Optionally limit the amount of credit that can be earned by self-study (On-demand, not Instructor-led courses)
  5. Decide whether you want to allow any credits in excess of the amount needed to carry over to the next reporting period (usually annual, but specified in a plan not here on the credit editor)
  6. Add one or more credits to your new credit type
  7. Give it a name and just put the number of credits to be earned every year in the Required column
  8. If limiting self-study, specify what the max self-study will be
  9. Save Credit Requirement
  10. Using the new bulk editor[add and verify link], or by editing courses one at a time, assign this credit and amount to be awarded to the desired courses so when people take those courses they are awarded those credits
  11. Add this credit to a learning plan so it can then be tracked via the plan

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