InstructorSite Tags Page
This page lists all the tags that have been created for use with UniversitySite elements such as courses, events, and plans.
Tags are useful for helping to group content under a single heading together and can be used to create a hyperlink that shows all courses or events with that tag. They are also often used with SharePoint Learning Kit to specify what types of data to use with a web part for a specific page.
Most tags are created to benefit learners, but instructors can create and use tags that are only visible to other instructors (not visible in LearningSite).
If you have many tags you can search for them by name and filter using the Status button.
You can also sort your view to see additional data not present in the default view
- Name (A-Z) - the default sort
- Created (Newest) - who created this tag and when
- Updated (Most Recently) - who most recently updated this tag and when