InstructorSite Resource Editor

Resources are now their own UniversitySite element so they get tags, audiences, departments just like courses do.


Title - What is the name of your resource?

Description - If the title isn't self-evidently clear, consider adding a description to fix this :)

Type - Is this going to be a document of some kind or is it a video (either a file OR a URL can be a video)

Status - Active is the status you want unless you are done with this one, in which case go ahead and retire OR if you really don't care about loss of history associated with it, then delete this resource.

Source - Either Upload a file, or type in a URL using the labelled buttons

Tags - Optionally assign a tag to group this resource with other related tagged items in various views in UniversitySite 


View Notification - Optionally assign people to receive an email when this resource is viewed


Visible in LearningSite  - simple switch to control whether this item displays in LearningSite or not

Audiences - Use this to limit access to a select group of learners. You can have more than one audience assigned if needed

Departments - If you have multiple groups of instructors working in UniversitySite consider adding your own department here to prevent others from mucking with this one, OR just to help learners find all content your department produces in LearningSite.


Expiration Date - Set a date to review content to make sure it is still relevant and useful.  Upon expiration nothing happens but you will be able to find in a special view expired content or soon expiring content if you set an expiration date on at least one item.

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