Convert Auto-enrollees to Manual Enrollees for a Plan

Applies To

  • UniversitySite Cloud (vs Behind the firewall installations)
  • Behind the Firewall Installations (vs UniversitySite Cloud)
  • InstructorSite

Intended Audience

  • Instructors
  • Admins


Sometimes you may have a plan that utilized auto-enrollment criteria to automatically enroll users who met this criteria but for whatever reason, perhaps you are moving on to a new year and a new plan, you don't want people auto-enrolled in this old plan any longer.  If you simply remove the auto-enrollment criteria this will remove all those enrollees and you don't want that, so what do you  do? You read this article :)


To help you understand the process you need to know that what we are aiming to do is basically use the very auto-enrollment criteria that you previously put in place as criteria for a manual enrollment search so that auto-enrollment stops but you get to keep all your previous enrollees :).

  1. Open the plan in question
  2. Edit the plan
  3. From the enrollment tab, click the auto-enrollees button
  4. Make note of any fields you have criteria in e.g. email, job title, location, etc, then copy that criteria from the box on the right and paste into notepad or Word temporarily, making sure to label what field that criteria was for
  5. Repeat for any rows you have specified criteria for
  6. Make note of whether you were enrolling "All employees" or just Employees hired on or after a specified date
  7. Now delete all criteria rows that have a recycle bin next to them and clear criteria from any boxes on the screen that remain e.g. Exclusions
  8. Save your changes and don't send any notifications if prompted
  9. Now click the Add enrollee button and use the Perform a new search option
  10. Reproduce your previous auto-enrollment criteria here in this manual search using the notepad you pasted them into in step 4.
  11. Perform your search and add these enrollees once again to the plan
  12. Do NOT send enrollment notifications if prompted :)
  13. Done

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