Events - Schedule an Online Event Visible to All Offices


When you want events you schedule to be visible on all calendars so that people from every office can attend if they want to from their desks, schedule an Online event. 

Tip: It is possible to limit visibility of these online events by selecting the offices that are allowed to see it. Instructions below.

Here's how.


  1. From the + menu in the nav bar choose event
  2. Type in the first few words of the course name you are scheduling and select it when it is visible either by mouse or with down arrow and enter key
  3. Choose the date and time you want for your event
  4. Select Location from the quick menu on the left
  5. Select Online as the Location Type and be prepared to enter the URL, capacity, dial-in info, and any meeting info details for use with your meeting software of choice (Web-Ex, GoToMeeting, etc)
  6. Optionally include a meeting room where you will allow local registrants to attend, and if so also specify the Location office and meeting room and capacity.
  7. Optionally limit visibility of the Online meeting to specific offices from the Specific Locations choice in the Online Meting Info section.
  8. Save Event

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