Find Courses, Events, Plans, On-Demand Content, Etc
Looking for something specific? Maybe that new security video course? Need to view a policy or quick reference guide? Not sure what you're looking for but want to browse?
Here are a few tips to get you going.
If you have something in mind you want to search for start here. If not you may want to skip to the Browsing section.
If you want to find everything in UniversitySite about "Excel" or "Security", or "Outlook" just type in the search box at the top of every page and pick an item. If you choose a Tag, it may show you a number of items all marked with that tag. If you choose a course or plan or event it will take you to that specific item.
If you are looking for content that you can watch right now first click on the On-demand page at the top
Then type in your search terms in the "Search this page" box. Feel free to use any of the filters to the right as well as pick either the Videos or Documents tabs based on the type of content you want to consume.
If you aren't sure what you are looking for you might benefit from using the Explorer page (if it isn't hidden in your site) to browse. You can pick a Department/Sponsor representing the group offering content in UniversitySite or you can use Tags, Audiences (content designed for specific groups), or Credit Requirements (Content that offers various credits).
Just click on one of the blue flags to see all the content associated with that item.
Browsing by Sponsor/Department