Courses - Create New


This article will list the steps required to create a new course in InstructorSite


  1. From the + menu choose course
  2. Enter a Title - Best practice is to Spell out the Application name and year e.g. Word 2013: Create and Edit Tables
  3. Tell the learners what objectives the course will cover in the Description.  Best practice is to use bullets and make it short and sweet. You can easily produce nice bullets by typing just the objectives then highlight then with your mouse (left click drag and select) then choose 1. from the WYSIWYG menu.
  4. Choose the Course Type (for details see this article)
  5. Enter the Prefix (new ones will be created on the fly if what you type doesn't match any existing)
    Note: Best practice is to use about 4 characters for the application and include the version when possible e.g. WORD13, PPT13, etc
  6. Choose a course Number - Best practice is to use 100-199 for basic, 200-299 for intermediate, and 300-399 for advanced
  7. Specify the Duration
  8. Save Course

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