Add a list of people to an audience, department, or learning plan

Applies To

  • UniversitySite Cloud (vs Behind the firewall installations)
  • Behind the Firewall Installations (vs UniversitySite Cloud)
  • InstructorSite

Intended Audience

  • System administrators


From time to time you may want to enroll a list of specific users into a learning plan, or use them to create an audience, or add them to a department. As long as you can get their email addresses this can be a pretty simple task.  I'm also assuming you are using a spreadsheet with email as one of your columns as a starting point.  Perhaps you downloaded the report: Course not attempted for example.


Here is how you can do that.

  1. First copy the email addresses from the spreadsheet to your clipboard. I think the easiest way is to select the first one at the top of the column, then use CTRL+Shift+DownArrow and then CTRL+C
  2. Paste as text (don't keep formatting) into a Word document
  3. Search and replace ^p with ;
  4. Now edit your learning plan
  5. Select the enrollment tab
  6. Click Add Enrollee
  7. Perform a New search
  8. From the search drop down choose Email as the search type
  9. In the field on the right of the email criteria drop down paste in your list of emails now.  It will look like this:
  10. Click Search, then click OK.
  11. Decide whether you want to send the enrollment notices out or not.
  12. Done.

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